Time has come for data-driven, targeted Cancer treatment.

Project Notebook allows cancer patients to record granular body events occuring throughout their treatment cycles and visualizes that data so that Oncology team and people with Cancer can see the impact of medication on side effects, what’s working and what isn’t.

As the number of people diagnosed with Cancer increase every day, scaling the medical system and efficiently and providing targeted, timely treatment is ever more needed. Project Notebook makes it simpler, intuitive for people with Cancer and Oncology team to collect, see, and collaborate on data — for free.

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At no cost to Oncology Team, ever.

Every Cancer clinic, no matter how big or small, can use Project Notebook to help their patients engage with their data. Project Notebook is free for Oncology staff and all end users — people with cancer, family, and care team members. Forever.

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How do I get started?

Begin with Project Notebook Web

Project Notebook Web is where all your patients are recording their body signs using various methods - manually (visual/touch, voice) or using consumer medical devices linked to their account. We store patint data in a meaningful way and make it easy for patients to follw the trends, so so there is always an incentive to provide more granular raw information for patients.

You can observe patient's raw data in daily, weekly and monthly patterns and perhaps notice new trends. Insights discovered here will likely make more productive conversations with your patients about opportunities to adjust patient's treatments and medicines. Perhaps more importantly, you can compare and contrast different patients based on their data and observe lateral trends.

Sign Up  View patient data


Understand and feel comfortable about privacy & security

Project Notebook complies with all HIPAA privacy, security, and breach notification regulations. All data is stored in Project Notebook's HIPAA-compliant cloud, so you and your patients can interact with it from anywhere, anytime, securely. Project Notebook protects data in transit and at rest using industry-standard encryption and redundant, dedicated, HIPAA-compliant servers.

We want to make you comfortable about the regulatory compliance we have undertaken. If you are looking for more details about our security and privacy policies, check out our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use documents.

Privacy Policy  Terms Of Use